Prof. Lesley Jones — In Memoriam

Prof. Lesley Jones
In Memoriam

EHDN are sad to inform our members of the death of Professor Lesley Jones after a short illness which she bore with characteristic stoicism. Lesley was a well-known figure in the HD community and had collaborators across the globe. She has been embedded in HD research for most of her career and was central to the activities of the GEM consortium and a world leader in the exploration of Huntington gene modifiers. Lesley has been a loyal supporter of EHDN since its inception and served on many of its committees and working groups. At the time of her death, she was a member of the EHDN executive committee, which she joined in 2018, and a core member of the think tank team. Despite her many and varied professional commitments, she was always generous in the time and energy that she devoted to these activities, and her keen intelligence, impressive breadth of knowledge and good sense were hugely appreciated and will be sorely missed. Lesley’s colleagues in Cardiff are devasted to have lost her prematurely; she was not only central to the Wales HD community, but also active across many aspects of university life. Most of all, Lesley can be remembered for her down-to-earth approach to life, her generous support of colleagues and her unstinting endeavours to support the next generation of researchers. We have lost a friend, a supporter and a truly remarkable woman, but her legacy will continue to provide inspiration.

If you would like to make a donation in Lesley’s memory, The Huntington’s Disease Association (the disease on which Lesley’s research has made such an impact)