- To identify the deficits in HD that are associated with impaired fitness to drive and to predict such impairments.
- To identify the tests that best quantify these deficits.
- To come up with recommendations to help physicians to decide when they should refer HD patients to national driving license agencies.
- To come up with recommendations that can be used by national driving license agencies to improve fitness to drive assessments in HD.
The Taskforce is a joint effort between:
- Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands
- University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands
- George Huntington Institute Münster, Germany
- University Hospital Leuven, Belgium
- Ulm University, Germany
- Leiden University Medical Centre: Differences in driving ability between premanifest HD, manifest HD, and healthy individuals. Which cognitive, motor or psychiatric symptoms contribute to driving ability in HD?
- University Medical Center Groningen: The effect of risk taking behaviour and self-awareness in HD patients on fitness to drive.
- George Huntington Institute Münster: Integrate all results and combine this with the ENROLL-HD data. Can we predict fitness to drive from data collected in ENROLL-HD?
- All sites: A questionnaire survey among patients and spouses on driving behaviour.
last update 4 February 2025