Think Tank Objectives
One of EHDN’s strategies is to promote research because research can deliver novel HD treatments and tools to measure their effects. Based on the 2023 Scientific Strategic Plan the EHDN Think Tank intends to complement and facilitate EHDN research initiatives such as the Working Groups or Task Forces in three different ways:
- Interaction with Working Group and Task Force lead facilitators to help identify potential collaborators or funding opportunities for their research or if they want to discuss scientific ideas.
- Identification of key scientific questions in HD.
- The EHDN Think Tank may occasionally propose specific research topics that could be addressed scientifically by HD researchers for instance in a Task Force.
Who are we?
The EHDN Think Tank consists of a group of people intimately involved in the EHDN scientific support through the EHDN Executive Committee, the Working Groups, the Seed Funds and/or funding opportunities.
Core members of the EHDN Think Tank |
Sandrine Humbert PhD |
Grenoble Institut Neurosciences GIN, email: |
Anne Rosser BA, PhD, MB BChir, FRCP |
Cardiff University, Life Sciences Building email: |
Patrick Weydt MD, PhD |
Universitätsklinikum Bonn, Neurodegenerative Diseases Bonn, Germany email: |
Flaviano Giorgini PhD, MA, BS Science Director |
Department of Genetics, email: |
Juliana Bronzova MD, DSc Science Director |
Senior Consultant
Den Haag, The Netherlands email: |
Jean-Marc Burgunder MD, PhD |
NeuroZentrum Siloah email: |
Christine Capper-Loup MSc, PhD Scientific Project Manager |
NeuroZentrum Siloah Gümligen, Switzerland |
Yury Seliverstov PhD Think Tank Coordinator |
University Hospital of Ulm Dept. of Neurology Ulm, Germany email: |
If you want to share your research ideas with us, get scientific support, find potential collaborators or funding, please fill in this form and send to Yury Seliverstov.